Anti bug (Balm) 2 oz

상품코드: 18

원 산 지: USA

재고현황: 재고없음

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수백년 동안 모기, 곤충 쫒는 용도로 쓰여 온 Citronella, Cedar Oil, Lemongrass가 들어있으며 Mr. Badger Bill 이 몸소 늪지대에서 실험해본 결과 매우 효과적이었으며 실험기관의 조사에 의하면 바른지 1시간 반 동안은 곤충을 쫒는 효력이 95%로 매우 효과적이었고 3시간까지 감소는 하지만 효과가 지속되는 것으로 나타났다. 이브닝파티에 발라도 레몬향이 좋다고 주위사람들이 좋아한다.

Active Ingredients: Citronella Oil (5.0%), Cedar Oil (2.0%), Lemongrass Oil (2.0%), Rosemary Oil (1.0%), & Geranium Oil (1.0%).
Other Ingredients: Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Natural Beeswax, and Castor Bean Oil

미국사람들 사용후기 영어 그대로 올렸습니다.

"I start my story by saying that I live on the Merrimack River. The recent floods have unleashed the worst infestation of mosquitoes I have seen in the 13 years we've lived here. They follow you indoors, they swarm around the dog - they make life miserable! The other day I found a can of your Badger Anti-Bug Balm. I don't remember where I found it, but in any event, I decided to try it today because I had to go cook on the grill. I was skeptical - after all, it didn't have DEET or unpronounceable chemical names. It just had good essential oils (I use them for cleaning and for medicinal purposes) and I wasn't sure if it was up to the test of the biggest crop of mosquitoes in 70 years. Anyway, the happy ending to the story is that after putting it on I didn't receive one bite and I was outside for 20 minutes cooking. It was remarkable! They were swarming which was pretty disgusting, but they didn't land. I am sold and will be spreading the good word. It's nice to find such a wonderful product so close to home!" - Debbie E.

"Just wanted to let you know what a great product the Badger [Anti-Bug] Balm is. I spent 2 weeks birding in Peru this July. For nine of those days I was in the Amazon Basin.....the most biodiverse place on the planet. I went armed with my Badger Balm instead of the deet repellents, and Badger Balm did not let me down. Whether we encountered mosquitoes, chiggers, or the strangest no see'ums, the balm protected me. Two of the birding guides (who were Peruvian) asked to borrow the balm, not the deet products other birders were carrying. As I mentioned to you, I read an NIH study that said natural products are just as effective at controlling insects as the deet products. more deet for me.....besides the balm smells a hell of a lot better." - Lisa from Atlanta


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